Today’s consumers and investors increasingly gravitate toward eco-friendly businesses, or at the very least businesses that prioritize climate stewardship and environmental sustainability. Taking decisive and meaningful steps toward sustainability isn’t something you can do haphazardly; instead, it requires a strategic plan.
Sustainability plans will look a little different business by business, but here are some general guidelines for putting a good plan in place.
Environmental action can seem daunting, but you don’t have to feel intimidated by the sheer scale of the climate or plastic waste programs. Instead, set a tone in your office that everyone can make a difference, even through small acts like recycling. As you develop your office recycling program, consider these tips:
● Educate all employees about recycling procedures, including what can and cannot be recycled.
● Have clearly labeled and accessible bins that your employees can use.
● Look into purchasing office supplies made from recycled materials.
● Choose a good waste and recycling management partner to ensure frequent pickups.
The next time you need to purchase or upgrade your equipment, look into energy efficient models. Encourage your employees to do the same. And as you plan for future purchases or capital investments, prioritize sustainable tech; start the research process now.
A couple of further tech-related pointers:
● Remember that even a seemingly small tech upgrade, such as a transition to LED lightning, can have a major impact on your energy consumption.
● Go paperless whenever you can, switching to electronic communication with your employees and your clients.
As you develop a plan for sustainability, involve your employees in the conversation. Have a town hall meeting where you explain the value of eco-friendly measures and invite employees to offer their own suggestions. Be sure you cast a vision not just in ecological terms, but also by explaining how sustainability initiatives ultimately enhance the bottom line.
Through conversations with your team members, you can also develop a set of reasonable and measurable sustainability goals. Keep track of your progress at upcoming team meetings and allow some time to celebrate when you achieve your goals!
Finally, make sure your sustainability plan accounts for company culture. There are plenty of ways to develop a culture of eco-friendliness, above and beyond the operational aspects of your company. For example:
● Work with HR to promote public transportation, perhaps offering small financial offsets to employees who take the train or the bus into work.
● Consider partnerships and contributions to sustainability non-profits.
● Make your next team-building activity a day where you plant trees, work in a community garden, or pick up trash at a local park.
The bottom line: There are plenty of ways to think strategically about your company’s environmental impact. With any questions, don’t hesitate to contact WasteXperts.