
Resolve to Be More Eco-Friendly in 2024

As we prepare to enter the new year, many of us are already thinking about ways we’d like to change our habits or improve our self-discipline. It’s common to make new year’s resolutions centered on being healthier and more active; on being more frugal with your money; on being more social, reading more books, or doing more to promote your own mental health.

But what about resolutions to be more environmentally friendly? If you’ve been looking for ways to make a positive impact on the environment, there’s no better time than at the start of the new calendar year. Here are some of our top suggestions for eco-friendly resolutions, sure to get your 2024 off to a strong start.

Consider These Environmentally Friendly Resolutions

  1. Start recycling. There’s no better way to reduce your carbon footprint than to carefully sort and recycle your plastic, cardboard, and glass materials each week.
  2. Become a gardener. Planting and harvesting your own produce can be a great way to cut back on the major emissions that come with buying produce in a store. Bonus points if you use organic fertilizers, and if you irrigate with rainwater.
  3. Ditch single-use water bottles. Are you a big water bottle waster? Ask for a reusable one for Christmas and make 2024 the year you ditch single-use containers for good.
  4. Start composting. Lawn trimmings and organic food waste can all be tossed into your compost pile. Not only does this avoid undue waste in the landfills, but it can also provide a natural way to fertilize your garden!
  5. Upgrade your appliances. Have you set some home renovation goals for 2024? Resolve to go all-in on Energy Star appliances, cutting your energy waste (and potentially cutting your utility bills in the process).
  6. Reduce your thermostat settings. What do you have the thermostat set on in summer? How about winter? Budging your comfort by just a degree or two can actually result     in major energy savings. (And you’ll likely be used to the new temperature before you know it.)
  7. Shop locally. All that shopping really takes a toll on the atmosphere, but an investment in local commerce can minimize your carbon footprint.
  8. Cut back on meat and dairy. About a third of all food-related emissions come from meat and dairy processing. You may not be ready to go full vegan, but even cutting back on your animal product consumption by a little bit can result in major change.
  9. Diversify your transportation options. You may need to use your car sometimes, but when possible, consider ridesharing, carpooling, using public transportation, or (best of all) riding your bike.
  10. Use recyclable grocery bags. Another simple way to cut back on single-use plastics: Invest in reusable bags you can take with you when you shop.

Resolve for a More Sustainable 2024

There’s plenty you can do to be more environmentally friendly, and these resolutions are just the tip of the iceberg. As you think about ways to be more sustainable in 2024, make sure you keep WasteXperts in mind. Contact us if you have any questions about waste or recycling management.


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