
Improve Your Office Recycling Program

At WasteXperts, we’ve found that most small businesses genuinely want to be proactive about environmental sustainability, creating recycling programs for their employees to participate in. The problem is that most small business owners feel like they don’t have the resources needed to make their programs effective.

Here’s the reality: No matter the size of your business and no matter your perceived resource limitations, there are always steps you can take to build a bigger, better, more effective recycling program. In this post, we’ll share a few guidelines and tips.

How to Improve Your Office Recycling Program

1) Collect different kinds of materials.

Maybe you’re already collecting paper and cardboard, but what about batteries, old electronics, and e-waste? Conduct an audit to determine which types of materials you might add to your recycling and collections program.

2) Create a separate area for recycling organics.

By separating compostable materials, you can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your office recycling program. Some examples of organics that can be recycled separately include:

●      Coffee grounds and tea bags

●      Food scraps (especially following office parties or catered lunch events)

●      Paper towels and napkins

●      Compostable plates and utensils (start buying these for office gatherings)

3) Provide employees with centralized stations for waste and recycling.

If you want more employees to participate in your office recycling program, make it as easy on them as possible. One recommendation is to provide centralized stations where employees can separate their waste and recyclables. This can help employees become more aware of just how much they’re chucking day in and day out.

4) Promote zero-waste lunches.

Another important tip: Create a culture that encourages employees to have litter-free lunches. A simple, pragmatic approach is to invest in some Tupperware and reusable lunch containers and provide them to new employees who join your team. Make wasteful, single-use lunch bags a thing of the past!

5) Provide little reminders.

Sometimes, employees need a small, subtle reminder to recycle. One suggestion: Put up small signs in the break room or tent cards in the lunch area, encouraging team members to recycle. You might also include posters reminding employees which items can and cannot be recycled.

6) Encourage team members to upcycle old equipment.

One prevalent source of office waste is discarded furniture and supplies. Why not create an upcycle station where employees can deposit the items they no longer want but which still have some life left in them? These items can be up for grabs among employees who may be in the market for gently used supplies. It’s a win for everyone and helps minimize your office waste.

Promote Recycling & Sustainability at Your Office

As you consider options to improve your office recycling program, don’t hesitate to reach out to our experts. We’d love to tell you more about our solutions for effective office sustainability programs, starting with an audit. Find out more by contacting WasteXperts today.

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